Gaming Media

Steam Cracks Down on AI Artwork

Valve, the company behind the popular gaming platform Steam, has been cracking down on games that use AI-generated artwork. This is due to concerns about copyright infringement.

AI artwork is created using artificial intelligence to generate images, text, or music. This technology has advanced to the point where AI artwork can be indistinguishable from human-created art. However, there are concerns that AI art could be used to infringe on copyrights.

AI artwork generated using

For example, an AI art generator could be used to create images that are based on copyrighted works of art. This could potentially violate the copyright of the original artist.

Valve is concerned about this issue, and it has been sending messages to developers who are using AI-generated artwork in their games. The messages state that the games will be removed from Steam if the developers cannot provide proof that they have the necessary rights to use the AI assets in their games.

This crackdown on AI artwork has been met with mixed reactions. Some developers have criticized Valve for being too strict, while others have said that the company is right to protect the rights of artists.

It is still too early to say what the long-term impact of this crackdown will be. However, it is clear that Valve is taking copyright infringement seriously when it comes to AI artwork.

What does this mean for the future of AI art?

The crackdown on AI artwork on Steam could have a significant impact on the future of AI art. It could make it more difficult for developers to create and sell AI art games. This could stifle innovation in the field of AI art.

However, it is also possible that the crackdown on AI artwork could lead to better practices in the field. Developers may be more careful about using AI assets that could potentially infringe on copyrights. This could help to protect the rights of artists and ensure that AI art is used in a responsible way.

Only time will tell what the long-term impact of the crackdown on AI artwork on Steam will be. However, it is clear that this is an issue that the AI art community will need to address.

What can developers do to avoid having their games removed from Steam?

Developers who are using AI-generated artwork in their games can take steps to avoid having their games removed from Steam. These steps include:

  • Obtaining the necessary rights to use the AI assets in their games.
  • Creating original AI art that does not infringe on any copyrights.
  • Using AI assets that are clearly labeled as being created by AI.

By taking these steps, developers can help to ensure that their games are compliant with Steam’s policies and that they will not be removed from the platform.

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