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Mona Lisa Attacked By Man Disguised as Old Lady

On Sunday the world famous Louvre was caught off guard, when a man attacked the display of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Reports say he was dressed as an old lady in a wheel chair, and tried to smash the bullet proof glass protecting it. When this failed, he proceeded to throw some sort pastry at it.

Visitors take pictures and video of the painting “Mona Lisa” after cake was smeared on the protective glass at the Lourve Museum in Paris, France May 29, 2022 in this screen grab obtained from a social media video. Twitter/@klevisl007/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

A user on Twitter shared footageof the aftermath, with no video of the actual attack surfacing as of yet.

Visitors were stunned upon witnessing such a valuable piece of artwork being attacked. The man then began to throw roses at everyone before being tackled by security. The culprit appears in a video filmed by a tourist, being escorted out by security, while shouting in French about why he did it.

The alleged attacker, walked out peacefully by security

The 36 year old man disguised himself as a disabled wheelchair ridden old lady. The Louvre has special accommodations for the disabled, allowing people in wheelchairs to move to the front to better see the art pieces. Something could be said about this mans abuse of the handicap policies to push what appears to be a political agenda.

The man can be heard in videos shouting in French, “There are people trying to destroy the planet. Think of the Earth, just think about it.” What the Mona Lisa has to do with “people destroying the planet” in this mans mind has not been made clear.

No damage was apparently done to the painting, as the bullet proof glass protected it from the sugar contents hurled at it. An inquiry into “an attempt to vandalize a cultural work” was opened by the Paris Prosecutor’s office.

The Mona Lisa has been targeted by attacks before, one involving acid and causing damage to a corner of the painting. Another case involved the painting being stolen by an employee.

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